At Frazer, we specialize in underground utilities. We provide construction services in Storm, Sanitary, Waterworks, Drain Tile, Hydro, Telecommunications, and Lighting.
Our ability to provide underground utility construction saves time and money on a project for our clients and partners. As a team, we can move from excavation and earthworks and immediately start putting in key utilities for the project. Our lean and multi-skilled crews can tie in the details and utilize the equipment on site.
Storm Sewer
At Frazer, we provide a wide range of services for Storm Sewer Construction. From Mainline Storm Sewer, Box Culverts, Manholes, Service Connections, Detention Ponds and Chambers, Catch Basins, Oil Interceptions, Stormcepters and Biofiltration Systems. Give us a call at 604-690-0044 to see how we can help.
Sanitary Sewer
At Frazer, we provide a wide range of services for Sanitary Sewer Construction. From Mainline Sanitary Sewer, Pump Stations, Manholes and service connections.
At Frazer we provide a wide range of services for general Waterworks Construction such as Mainline water main, hydrants, meter and check valves, backflow protection chambers and service connections
Hydro, Tel-com, Street Lighting
At Frazer we provide a wide range of services for Hydro, Telecommunications and Street Lighting Construction. Such as underground conduit duct banks, pull boxes, junction boxes, vaults, service boxes, streetlight fixtures, poles and basis, fiber optic cables